Privacy policy for the processing of personal data

Budapest Shooting considers it a fundamental obligation to fully respect the right to the protection of personal data in the course of its operations, and therefore we will use all means at our disposal and in all possible ways to ensure that your data is protected in accordance with the EU Regulation 2016/679 ("General Data Protection Regulation") and in accordance with other applicable laws. Given that one of the main purposes of the underlying legislation is to ensure transparency, we intend to inform you in this document about the collection, use, transfer and, last but not least, protection of your personal data, in particular when you interact with us through our products and/or services on our website or other mobile applications.

We reserve the right to update and amend this Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure that the terms and conditions set out herein always reflect the current way in which personal data are processed and comply with all applicable legal obligations. In the event that any of the provisions of this Privacy Policy should change as described above, we will post an amended version of this Privacy Policy on our website and therefore please check this Privacy Policy from time to time for the most up-to-date content.

Who are we and how can it reach us?

The Budapest Shooting trade name and associated business format is operated by Reload Shooting Limited Liability Company, a company incorporated under the laws of Hungary, having its registered office in 1065 Budapest, nagymező utca 37-39. fsz. 9. ajtó szám alatt található, cégjegyzékszáma: 01-09-423799, tax number:  25802885-2-42 (hereinafter "Budapest Shooting" or "we"). We are a data controller under data protection legislation when we process your personal data in any way.

We assure you that your views and comments are welcome and, if necessary, we will be happy to provide you with further information on any matter concerning the processing of your data, and therefore we kindly ask you to address any such request to. Budapest Shooting's Data Protection Officer at the following e-mail address: You can also contact us at by postal letter or courier service to the following address: 1065 Budapest Nagymező u. 37-39. - please indicate in the address bar: to the Data Protection Officer of Budapest Shooting.

What categories of personal data do we process?

Generally, we collect your personal information directly from you, so when we collect it, you have control over the type of information you share with us. For example, we receive the following information from you:

  • When booking an appointment on the Budapest Shooting website You provide us with your e-mail address, surname and first name;
  • In addition, the eMAG personal page of the interface (My account), you can also enter additional information such as: nickname, mobile phone number, date of birth, delivery address, credit card details, etc.;
  • When you place an order, you provide us with information about the product you wish to purchase, your shipping address, billing information, payment method, phone number, etc.

In order to make the online experience more personal and our offers more tailored to your preferences, we may also collect and process certain information about your browsing and usage behaviour during your visits to our website and when using our smartphone application. Please see the section below on the purposes of the processing for more information on the conditions under which this is done.

We may store and collect information on our website and smartphone app that we process through cookies and similar technologies.

We do not collect or process in any way sensitive data that qualify as special categories under the General Data Protection Regulation. In line with this, we do not collect or process data of minors under the age of 18 at the time of providing the data.

What is the purpose and legal basis of the processing?

What is the purpose and legal basis of the processing?

  1. The Budapest Shooting to provide services to you

This general purpose includes the following uses, where applicable:

  • Create and manage your user account in the Budapest Shooting interface;
  • Processing orders, including receiving and screening them, delivery to and billing;
  • To cancel orders or any other matters relating to the order of goods or services purchased;
  • Handling returned products in accordance with the relevant legal provisions;
  • Refund of the value of products in accordance with the relevant legal provisions;
  • Providing support services, including answering questions you may have about the products and services advertised by Budapest Shooting or about a particular order.

The processing of your data for the above purposes is in most cases necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract between Budapest Shooting and you. In addition, the processing of certain data in this context is required by law, including the laws on taxation and accounting.

  1. To improve our services

We work hard to ensure that you always receive the best possible service and online shopping experience. To do this, we need to collect and use information about your shopping habits, among other things, which is why we conduct market research directly or with external partners.

We carry out these activities on the basis of our legitimate business interests, while always taking care to ensure that your fundamental rights and freedoms are not infringed in the course of such activities.

  1. For marketing activities

We would like to keep you up to date with our latest offers and news on products of interest to you. To this end, we will send you general and thematic newsletters at regular intervals via our electronic channels (e-mail / SMS / mobile notifications / banners, pop-up messages / etc.) and inform you about products similar to or complementary to those you have previously purchased or wished to order. We would also like to display other commercial enquiries and personalised offers via our website or mobile app. In order to provide you with information that may be of interest to you, we may use certain information about your shopping habits (e.g. products viewed / products added to wish lists / products purchased) for user profiling purposes. In all cases, we will ensure that such processing and treatment will be carried out with the utmost respect for your rights and freedoms and we will ensure that the processes and measures used in the processing will not adversely affect you or restrict or otherwise affect your rights.

In most cases, our marketing communications will be carried out with your consent, which you can give by placing an order and ticking the box that says "I accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy". You can change your mind at any time and withdraw your consent by doing the following:

  • by clicking the "I want to unsubscribe" link in the bottom section of the messages you receive from us;
  • or by contacting Budapest Shooting using the contact details above.

We use certain of our marketing activities to promote and improve our commercial operations for our legitimate business interests. However, in all cases where we use information relating to you for our legitimate business interests, we will do so with the utmost care and diligence and with the utmost guarantee that your fundamental rights and freedoms are not violated. However, you can ask us to stop processing your personal data for marketing purposes at any time by using any of the methods described above, and we will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible.

  1. To protect our legitimate business interests

There may be situations where our own rights and business interests and the protection of our commercial activities require us to disclose certain information. Such situations may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Protection and other precautions against cyber-attacks endangering the security of web site and users of Budapest Shooting interface:
  • measures to prevent and detect possible fraud attempts, including the transmission of relevant information to the competent authorities and public bodies;
  • measures to address any additional risks.

Our authorization for the types of processing and handling described above is based on our legitimate business interest in protecting our own commercial activities, while at the same time ensuring that the measures we take or envisage take into account the principle of balance and proportionality between our own interests and your fundamental rights and freedoms.

In addition, in certain cases, we process and handle data in order to comply with our legal obligations, in particular to safeguard the principles and values required by the applicable laws in the specific transaction.


How long do we keep your personal data?

As a general rule, your personal data will be stored for the duration of your Budapest Shooting account. Notwithstanding this, you may at any time request us to delete certain of your data or to terminate your user account, and we will respond to such requests without exception, while ensuring that certain data is kept in compliance with legal retention requirements, even after termination of your user account.

If you do not have a Budapest Shooting account, as a general rule, we are obliged to keep all information relating to your order for a period of 3 [three] years from the date of the order. As described above, we may be required to store certain data beyond the three-year period in accordance with applicable legal retention requirements.


Whom do we transfer your personal data?

In some cases, we may transfer your personal data to parties in the following sharing circles or give them access to certain of your personal data:

  • to our market research service partners;
  • to our courier and express delivery suppliers;
  • to companies in the same group as Budapest Shooting;

To comply with our legal obligations and to protect our legitimate economic interests, we disclose certain personal data to public authorities.

We fully guarantee that any private entity identified as a third party will have access to your data only in full compliance with the legal provisions on data protection, information security and confidentiality, and only to the extent contractually agreed with such entity.

Which countries do we transfer your personal data to?

We currently store and process your personal data in Hungary.

We may transfer your personal data to an organisation based outside Hungary. These entities may be both inside and outside the European Union, including countries where the European Commission considers that the level of protection of personal data is not at least equivalent to that of the European Union.

In any case, we will take the steps and precautions necessary to ensure the security of personal data involved in international data transfers in order to protect your rights to data protection and freedom of information. In all cases, the security of data transfers to service providers and other third parties is protected by contractual obligations and, where necessary, additional safeguards, such as the provisions of the European Commission's Decision on standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries and certification schemes such as Privacy Shield, a security shield protecting the transfer of personal data between the European Union and the United States of America.

You can contact us at any time using the contact details above if you have any further questions about the countries to which we transfer your data or the security measures and safeguards we apply in relation to such transfers.


How do we protect the security of your personal data?

We are committed to fully ensuring the security of your personal data by implementing technical and organisational measures that meet industry standards.

We keep your personal data on secure servers, using state-of-the-art encryption algorithms and storage expansion mechanisms.

For payments, we use the payment support services of Borgun and PayPal. All payment information is encrypted using SSL technology.

Please note that, despite our best efforts to protect your personal data, the security of information transmitted over the World Wide Web in general and other public networks is never guaranteed and such data may be intercepted and used by unauthorised third parties. We cannot be held responsible for the vulnerability or susceptibility of systems outside our control.


What rights do you have?

The General Data Protection Regulation gives you a number of rights in relation to personal data. You can request access to your data, request the rectification of data that is incorrectly recorded in our records, or object to the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to lodge a complaint or objection with the competent supervisory authority or to bring an action before the competent court. Depending on the circumstances, you may have the right to request the erasure of your personal data, the restriction of processing or the blocking of your data, or the portability of your data. For more information on these rights, please consult the table below.

To exercise your rights, you can contact us using the contact details above. Please read the following points carefully if you wish to exercise your rights:



We respect the confidentiality of all records containing personal data, so please send us your request for such records from the email address associated with your Budapest Shooting account or used when placing your order.

If you use a different e-mail address, we reserve the right to verify your identity through an additional set of questions.

Fee We will not charge you a fee for exercising your rights to your personal data unless your request for disclosure or access is unfounded, unnecessarily repetitive, disproportionate or excessive, in which case we will provide the information or access for a reasonable fee. In any event, we will notify you of any request for a fee in advance of processing the request.
Deadline for responses

We will reply to all valid requests within a maximum of one month, unless the request is particularly complex or you have sent several requests at the same time, in which case we will reply within a maximum of three months.

If we need more than one month to process your request, we will let you know. In this context, we may ask you to provide more information about what data or documents you need and what, if any, concerns you have about them, in order to respond to your request as accurately as possible. This will enable us to help you more quickly and shorten the time it takes to respond.

Third party rights We are not obliged to respond to your request if complying with the request would violate the rights or freedoms of another data subject or third party.
Right of access

You can ask us to:

  • erősítsük meg , amennyiben személyes adatának kezelése történik nálunk;
  • biztosítsunk másolati példányt az adatkezelés tárgyát képező személyes adatokhoz;

provide you with further information about your personal data, in particular about what data we hold, the purposes of the processing, with whom we share this data and whether we transfer this data abroad, how we protect this data, how long we store this data, what rights you have in relation to this data, how and in what form you can complain and, finally, where we obtained your data from, if we have not provided you with this information before the notification under this point.

Right to rectification

You can ask us to correct or complete inaccurate or incomplete personal data about you.

We may verify the truthfulness or accuracy of the data concerned before correcting an erroneous entry.

Right to erasure, right to be forgotten

You may request the deletion of your personal data, but only if,

  • ha az érintett adat már nem szükséges az annak begyűjtésekor megfogalmazott adatkezelési célok teljesítéséhez; vagy,
  • ha Ön visszavonta hozzájárulását (amennyiben az adatkezelés kizárólag hozzájáruláson alapul);
  • vagy, ha Ön tiltakozáshoz való jogát gyakorolja;
  • vagy, ha az érintett személyes adatot jogtalanul kezelték;
  • vagy, ha az érintett adat törlését jogszabályi kötelezettség írja elő.

Személyes adatának törlésére irányuló kérését nem vagyunk kötelesek teljesíteni, ha személyes adatának kezelése az alábbi okokból szükséges és indokolt uniós vagy tagállami jog szerinti kötelezettségnek való megfelelés miatt; vagy jogi igények előterjesztése, érvényesítése vagy védelme érdekében.

In addition to the above, there may be other circumstances in which we are not obliged to comply with your request to delete your personal data, but in particular, we may refuse your request in the cases listed below.

Please note that before exercising your right of deletion under this clause, the data deletion procedure and the termination of your Budapest Shooting account, including the deletion of all its data and documents, is a non-reversible, final process.

Right to restrict processing (blocking right)

You may request that we restrict the processing of your personal data (i.e. block your data), but only if one of the following conditions is met:

  • ha Ön vitatja a személyes adatok pontosságát, ennek ellenőrzéséhez szükséges időtartamra; vagy, ha az adatkezelés jogellenes, és Ön ellenzi az adatok törlését;
  • vagy, ha az érintett adat már nem szükséges az annak begyűjtésekor megfogalmazott adatkezelési célok teljesítéséhez, de annak törlését bizonyos jogi igények előterjesztése, érvényesítése, vagy védelme kizárja;
  • vagy, ha tiltakozáshoz való jogával élt, és a mi eljárásunk jogszerűségének vizsgálata még nem zárult le.

If you exercise the right to block your personal data, we are still entitled to use it if:

  • az erre vonatkozó hozzájárulást megkaptuk Öntől;
  • vagy, ha az érintett adat használata (megléte) bizonyos jog vagy jogos érdek bíróság előtti érvényesítése érdekében szükséges;
  • vagy ha az érintett adat használata (megléte) egy másik természetes vagy jogi személy jogainak védelme érdekében szükséges.
  • ha az adatkezelés jogellenes, és Ön ellenzi az adatok törlését;
  • vagy, ha az érintett adat már nem szükséges az annak begyűjtésekor megfogalmazott adatkezelési célok teljesítéséhez, de annak törlését bizonyos jogi igények előterjesztése, érvényesítése, vagy védelme kizárja;
  • vagy, ha tiltakozáshoz való jogával élt, és a mi eljárásunk jogszerűségének vizsgálata még nem zárult le.

If you exercise the right to block your personal data, we are still entitled to use it if:

  • az erre vonatkozó hozzájárulást megkaptuk Öntől;
  • vagy, ha az érintett adat használata (megléte) bizonyos jog vagy jogos érdek bíróság előtti érvényesítése érdekében szükséges;
  • vagy ha az érintett adat használata (megléte) egy másik természetes vagy jogi személy jogainak védelme érdekében szükséges.

Ensuring the portability of data

(right to data portability)

Kérheti tőlünk, hogy személyes adatát tagolt, széles körben használt, géppel olvasható formátumban bocsássuk az Ön rendelkezésére, továbbá jogosult arra, hogy ezeket az adatokat egy másik adatkezelőnek továbbítsa, ha az adatkezelés kizárólag az Ön hozzájárulásával történik és az Ön által kötött megállapodásban rögzített szerződéses felhatalmazáson alapul; és az adatkezelés automatizált módon történik.

Right to object

You may object to the processing of your personal data at any time on grounds relating to your particular situation, if you consider that your fundamental rights and freedoms override our commercial interests.

You may also object at any time, without giving reasons, to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes (including user profiling), provided that it is related to direct marketing, in which case we will stop the processing as soon as possible.

Implement automated processes

As a data subject, you may request to be exempted from decisions made solely by automated processes, but only in the following cases,

  • ha az ilyen folyamatban meghozott döntés Önre nézve joghatással járna; vagy
  • ha Önt hasonlóan jelentős mértékben érintené.

The right under this point shall not apply if the decision is the result of automated decision-making:

  • az Önnel kötendő szerződés megkötéséhez vagy teljesítéséhez szükséges;
  • vagy, ha meghozatalát olyan uniós vagy tagállami jog teszi lehetővé, amely az Ön jogainak és szabadságainak, valamint jogos érdekeinek védelmét szolgáló megfelelő intézkedéseket is megállapít;
  • vagy ha az Ön kifejezett hozzájárulásán alapul.
Right to complain

You have the right to lodge a complaint about the processing of your personal data with the competent supervisory authority. In Hungary, the data protection supervisory authority can be contacted at:

The National Authority for Personal Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Hungary, 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c,

Phone number: +36 (1) 391-1400

E-mail address: 

Without prejudice to your statutory right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, we ask you to contact us first and we guarantee that we will do our best to resolve your complaint amicably.


Again, please note that you may contact the Budapest Shooting Data Protection Officer at any time by sending a request to any of the notification addresses provided:

by e-mail to the following or

by post or courier service to the mailing address below: 1065 Budapest Nagymező u. 37-39. please indicate in the address barto the Data Protection Officer of Budapest Shooting.
